TILL’s CARF-Accredited Day programs offer person-centered skill development and supports in coordination with physical, occupational, or speech therapies in a setting to maximize social skill development and self-direction through extensive community involvement and variety in choice and activities.
TILL’s Day Habilitation Programs
TILL’s Day Habilitation Programs provide support to people with high medical needs as well as those who need assistance with activities of daily living in order to function as independently as possible.
TILL Central - Community Based Day Support Programs
TILL Central Programs, defined and directed by individual participants, were created to develop self-direction through extensive community involvement and variety in choice and activities. As a supplement to our Day Habilitation programs, TILL Central participants learn to make choices and uniquely express their preferences. TILL Central is a Community-Based Day Support (CBDS) model.
Autism Initiative Program
This program provides an innovative approach to working with adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This highly specialized program offers sensory and therapeutic activities coupled with community interests in a well-rounded schedule of daily activities with structured, consistent teaching methodologies.
TILL Farms - Specialized Therapeutic Program
TILL Farms provides learning and growth opportunities in our innovative and earth-friendly program. This specialized, therapeutic program combines TILL's expertise in providing quality services with learning opportunities unique to this natural setting: gardening, animal care, woodworking, and other highly functional tasks.
TILL On The Go
TILL On the Go is an individualized and flexible experience for adults with specialized needs including autism spectrum disorder, learning differences and acquired brain injury. Offering meaningful and productive activities using a flexible model, which is not site-dependent, TILL On the Go takes place in open settings in the community.
Participants engage in pre-vocational and vocational options, social interactions, and community experiences using interesting and functional activities to build on or enhance skills for independence. Individualized choices promote engagement, new opportunities to build on interests, skills and previous experiences, and social connections with peers and within our community.