Moving Out: A Family Guide to Residential Planning for Adults with Disabilities, 2nd Edition, is now available. Authors Dafna Krouk-Gordon and Barbara Jackins wrote the original version of Moving Out in 2013, which quickly became the go-to resource for families navigating adult residential services. In this newly revised and expanded second edition, the authors share information and advice from decades of experience working with families. First-person stories from parents who have done it help other families on this journey of residential planning.
According to Dafna Krouk-Gordon, “We published the new edition to offer information, resources and ideas that help families navigate their individual situations and learn from each other. Because there is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to residential planning, we offer options that are as diverse as the people who need residential services. We are grateful to the families who continue to share their stories,” Dafna says.
About the Authors:
Dafna Krouk-Gordon is the Founder and President of Toward Independent Living and Learning, Inc. (TILL), a non-profit human service agency based in Dedham, MA.
Barbara Jackins is an attorney in Lexington, MA, specializing on areas of the law that affect people with disabilities and their families, including special needs planning, public benefits and guardianship.
Retail Price: $39.95
ISBN: 978-0-9988142-4-7
Available on Amazon.com